Elite Nutrition - Super energy for every day life
Mood Enhancing, Fatigue Fighting, Social Energy for people
on the go
Finally a nutritional supplement has been designed for the nightlife.
Nocturnal Nutrition has been specifically formulated to rejuvenate the mind and fight fatigue of the body. It has a wakening effect without the jitters, a fatigue fighting ability with no crash, a mood enhancing ability to turn around a bad night.
It contains a revolutionary herb, India's best kept secret to the Western World.
So you just worked another fourteen hour day and you are being dragged out on the town while you'd rather be at home on the couch. This product is for you.
Get Energized Now!
Nocturnal Nutrition synergistically combines rare fatigue-fighting herbs with time-tested ingredients, to formulate the first supplement designed with the upscale partygoer's needs in mind. Our proprietary blend promotes social poise, encourages mental alertness, while putting the energy back in your soul; Energy that you'll need for a night out on the town. Nocturnal Nutrition effectively counters both physical fatigue and mental stress, the effects a demanding day puts on us all.
Buy It Now
This supplement is designed specifically for the night
life. It is a potent herbal complex, combining both new and old ingredients.
The key ingredient in Jeevani is the Arogyappacha plant.
In December 1987, Dr. Palpu Pushpangadan led
a team of scientists from the All India
Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology
(AICRPE) on an expedition to the Western Ghatshad
in the Agasthyar Hills where they were
introduced to this plant by the Kani guides
who for centuries used the revitalizing fruit
for energy and vitality. The local Kani guides
did not stop for rest during their several
hour jouney which surprised Dr. Pushpangadan
and his team. After much pressure from the
AICRPE group, the local guides revealed that
the source of this fruit was the Arogyappacha
plant.With first-hand experience of the medicinal
benefits of Arogyappacha, Dr. Pushpangadan and
his research team analyzed it through an array
of chemical and pharmacological tests. In a
project spanning eight years, the institute
went on to refine and validate the medicine
now called Jeevani which means "giver of
Here's more information about the studies of
Jeevani - References 1
Energize Yourself Now!
Rhodiola once used by the KGB and studied in Russia for years has been claimed to be an antidepressant and central nervous system enhancer. In Nocturnal Nutrition it combines with the Arogyappacha Plant and acts as an anxiety suppressor putting you at ease during the most stressful of situations going against any negative mindset that otherwise would be present. Research reveals it also decreases irritability and headaches. The active effects have been attributed primarily for its ability to influence levels of activity of monoamines and opioid peptides such as beta-endorphines.
Rhodiola rosea is a popular plant in traditional
medical systems in Eastern Europe and Asia with
a reputation for stimulating the nervous system,
decreasing depression, enhancing work
performance, eliminating fatigue, and preventing
high altitude sickness. Rhodiola rosea has been
categorized as an adaptogen by Russian
researchers due to its observed ability to
increase resistance to a variety of chemical,
biological, and physical stressors. Its claimed
benefits include antidepressant, anticancer,
cardioprotective, and central nervous system
enhancement. Research also indicates great
utility in asthenic conditions (decline in work
performance, sleep difficulties, poor appetite,
irritability, hypertension, headaches, and
fatigue) developing subsequent to intense
physical or intellectual strain. The
adaptogenic, cardiopulmonary protective, and
central nervous system activities of Rhodiola
rosea have been attributed primarily to its
ability to influence levels and activity of
monoamines and opioid peptides such as
(Altern Med Rev 2001;6(3):293-302)
Here's more information about the studies of
Rhodiola - References
Arogyappacha Plant in Jeevani, from the hills of India will soon be the most prominent energy herb in the United States and for very good reason. You must try it to believe it.
The local tribesman eat it saying "It gives a sudden burst of energy. We don't feel hungry for several hours; we don't feel thirsty or tired. And it feels like we can walk and run on the mountain for hours"
The director of one of one of India's largest think tanks even stated, "The plant is like cocaine in terms of its energy boost, without being addictive".
Buy A Bottle Now!
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1-2 tablets as needed on an empty stomach with a full glass of water.
Do not exceed 4 tablets in any 24 hour time span.
The secret ingredient in our formula is a herbal supplement called "Jeevani" originating from the hills of southwest India.
Jeevani is an herb known as "Arogyapacha" - the Ginseng of Kani tribes of Agastyar hills, Kerala, India...
It was realized years ago by a team of scientists on a native hiking expedition that the local trail guides were outlasting every single hiker in the tour despite the fact that the scientists were in tremendous shape.
Only then did they realize the guides were constantly chewing the plant, which is now the active ingredient in Jeevani.
The plant was brought back identified and lab tests were conducted revealing enormous anti-fatigue properties. It is a key ingredient providing the endurance of Nocturnal Nutrition.
This really works. I was skeptical of the claims initially with every site on the web touting "new herbs".
Jeevani really works!
-Jennifer P
Miami, Fl
This works great! I've tried everything else on the market. EVERTYTHING!!!
Energy Drinks, Diet Energy Pills, Redbull, even took Xenedrine by the handful nothing compares.
I'm glad I tried it.
Tampa, Fl
I used NN for the first time last Friday. I was tired as could be after a long week, but NN did the trick!
I was grumpy and tired, then I took two tablets right as I was leaving the house, and sure enough it worked like a charm!
I felt relaxed and energized at the same time (kind of weird),
not jittery like from a Venti Starbucks.
Used it again when I went out with the girls Saturday night.
I'll be repeat customer!
Dallas, TX
I like to dance the night away downtown.
In the past I paid $5 a piece for Redbull after Redbull at the club trying to keep up with my friends.
Never again! This works great! I'm recommending it!
Denver, CO
I'm pleased! No jitters and very "awake".
-Matt B.
Louisville, KY
Yes it does the trick. Why isn't available anywhere but here???
-Ben G.
Hammond, IL
My friends used to call me a "wall flower"...I take one of these (two when really tired) and head out with my friends.
I used to suffer from "social anxiety", always being intimidated to go up and talk to people I don't know.
This seems to really help with making me more outgoing!
I'm not sticking to the "pack" of friends, and a plus is I always outlast them! hahaha
-Christy O
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
I read one of the reviews from the web page so I needed to add my testimonial.
I did the same thing and so did many of my friends...
I used to "double up" on whatever workout pill I was taking at the time to give me enough energy to make it through a night
with the boys and be "socially engaging"... by the end of the night I was a shaking, wound up, drunk mess.
NN gives me all the energy I need, and like it claims "social poise" I would translate this into "social confidence".
This supplement works! I'm using it and soon my friends will be too!
-Roger C.
Earlier I was tired and felt unsocialable. Now I'm full of energy, bouncing off the walls, ready to hit the town hard tonight!
-Neeraj G
Denver, CO
I took two pills on an empty stomach for the first time. After 45 minutes the effects started to kick in. I would say the full effects didn't happen for about two hours. Its very difficult to compare to something else I've tried before. It sounds dumb, but it really did give me this "cool" debonair where my mood was boosted, I felt social like I could talk to anyone without thinking twice about it. Its very unique in this way. The mood it put me in I could compare to the best of moods that I'm rarely in. It doesn't make your heart beat out of your chest a million miles a minute like drinking a large Full Throttle can would. And I didn't get tired at all for 6 hours. All the zip with no "adrenaline rush" and crash. This is stuff is great and I'm glad I found it on the web! Would recommend to others.
Miami, Fl
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